Philipp Guirguis, are sales manager Dramix for central Europe, the UK and Nordics, explains the specifications and differences of the Ultimate Limit State of a floor and the Serviceability Limit State of a floor. Watch the videos below for more information.

Ultimate Limit State of a floor

What is the definition of the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) of a floor? Philipp Guirguis, area sales manager Dramix central Europe, UK and Nordics, describes it as the design state to cover the governing load case scenario, a design state prior to ultimate collapse, to assure structural stability of the floor.


Serviceability Limit State of a floor

Do you know what the Serviceability Limit State (SLS) of a floor or structure is? And how it differs from the ULS? The Serviceability Limit State (SLS) is defined as the state of design beyond which a structural system loses operationally its serviceability for the actual service load that the structure is subjected to.